Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Is Travel Insurance Really THAT Important?

After the terrible natural disasters we have seen lately and a lot of personal experience with my own clients being affected, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about travel insurance with the Fox 19 morning news.

 Not all policies are alike and yes, you really DO need insurance. It can't be looked at as an "up-sell" or extra expense. It must be factored into your overall trip budget. It's THAT important. You may go your whole life never needing to file a claim on any trips you take. But its that one trip where the insurance can mean a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can be the difference of getting emergency medical treatment in a foreign country or being denied. It can actually mean life or death. 

There are many options and most polices are very affordable. So, watch the clips below and learn more about why you need it.

I spoke on the morning segment for a few minutes but Kara Sewell wanted to talk more and answer some questions from viewers so we continued the interview with a Facebook Live , which is also below.

Fox 19 Segment:

Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV

Facebook Live with Kara Sewell: