Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tips for Traveling With a Significant Other

This week agency owner, Beth Duppstadt and Honeymoon Specialist Nancy Jackson talked with Sheila Gray at Good Morning Cincinnati and provided some tips for traveling with a significant other.

Watch the video here:

Channel 12 Interview

1. Start Small - If you are in a new relationship or traveling together for the first time, I recommend starting with an easy trip first, such as a long weekend.  Traveling with someone and being together 24/7 is a lot different than going on dates a few nights a week.

2. Discuss Priorities & Be Willing to Compromise  - Everyone has their own idea of what their perfect trip will be like. Discuss what you really want to experience during your trip and what you really don't like as well. Then, be willing to compromise in order to make sure both people are getting some of their top priorities met.

3. Be Clear About Budget and Spending Expectations - This is an important conversation to have. First, determining how much you'll spend on accommodations and transportation, but then also what you are comfortable spending once you are on the trip. Will you be splurging on gourmet meals every night, or eating at budget-friendly restaurants? 

This is why I like All-Inclusive Resorts for my honeymoon clients. Once they arrive they don't have to worry about spending or staying within a budget. It's all taken care of upfront which is a lot less stressful. 

4. Consider Privacy Needs - I recommend planning for some alone time during your trip. Maybe one of you will go to the spa for a few hours while the other plays golf. Having a little time to yourself can help you stay focused on the relationship for the rest of the trip. Also, make sure your accommodations are set up with enough privacy. Maybe you don't want a room with an open bathroom concept if you are in a new relationship.

5. After Trip Discussion - After you return home take a few minutes to talk about what you really enjoyed about your trip and anything that could have been better. It may help you in planning your next vacation.

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